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KEMCO's newest tactical RPG, Eldgear, plunges players into the magical world of Argenia. This turn-based adventure unfolds as Argenia transitions from a medieval society to a technologically advanced magical age, sparking conflict amongst its many nations. The Eldgear Story: Argenia, a land brimmin
Jan 09,2025
Pokémon GO世界锦标赛2024:限时Twitch掉落奖励! Pokémon GO官方宣布,在即将于檀香山举行的2024年Pokémon GO世界锦标赛期间,全球训练家可以领取一系列激动人心的独家奖励! Pokémon GO世界锦标赛Twitch掉落和限时特别研究! 2024年8月16日至18日举行的Pokémon GO世界锦标赛将在活动周末期间提供大量令人兴奋的独家奖励和Twitch掉落,包括最多三个可兑换的代码。除了在檀香山举行的全球庆祝活动和赛事外,全球Pokémon训练家还可以通过收看活动的官方Twitch直播获得特殊的奖励。 如何获得Pokémon GO世界锦标赛2024 T
Jan 09,2025
Get ready for some epic tower defense action in Rush Royale's returning Festival of Talents! This exciting event, running from August 16th to 29th, features the challenging Flaming Maestro mini-boss and a host of nature-themed surprises. Prepare for mushrooms, bee swarms, and predatory ivy as you ta
Jan 09,2025
The acclaimed hand-drawn puzzle adventure, LUNA The Shadow Dust, has arrived on Android! A 2020 hit on PC and consoles, this game quickly became a fan favorite. Developed by Lantern Studio and published by Application Systems Heidelberg Software (creators of the mobile port of The Longing), it offe
Jan 09,2025
Dive into a limited-time event in Tears of Themis featuring Vyn Richter: "Home of the Heart – Vyn"! Starting November 2nd, this event offers a new main story, an SSS card, and a permanent addition to the game. A New Chapter with Vyn: Experience "Dearest Chapter," a personal story where you and Vyn
Jan 09,2025
Firefly Studios, renowned for the Stronghold series, brings a new mobile strategy game to the market: Stronghold Castles. This latest installment retains the series' core gameplay loop of building, farming, and battling. Construct Your Medieval Empire! In Stronghold Castles, you assume the role of
Jan 09,2025
World of Tanks Blitz launches a unique marketing campaign: a cross-country road trip with a real tank! This decommissioned, graffiti-covered vehicle is touring the US to promote the recent Deadmau5 collaboration. The street-legal tank, sporting vibrant artwork, made a timely appearance at The Game
Jan 09,2025
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross welcomes the Four Knights of the Apocalypse! This latest update introduces a thrilling new storyline chapter, exciting new characters, and rewarding in-game events. What's New? Embark on Percival's adventure as the newest playable hero, the "Little Hero" with [Unk
Jan 09,2025
Escape the mundane and embrace the thrill of LEGO Fortnite Brick Life! This guide shows you how to successfully rob the bank vault and acquire a Sack o' Cash. Begin your adventure in the vibrant city of Brick Life. To quickly amass wealth, target the Vaulted Value Propositions bank. The path to
Jan 09,2025
Marvel与Xbox联手推出“贱贱”定制版Xbox Series X主机和手柄,庆祝即将上映的《死侍与金刚狼》电影!这款限量版套装设计大胆独特,绝对会让你眼前一亮。 死侍亲手设计的Xbox主机和手柄 告别千篇一律的黑色主机!Xbox与“嘴炮雇佣兵”死侍合作,推出限量版Xbox Series X主机和手柄套装,为新电影造势。 主机采用死侍标志性的红黑配色,底座设计成他标志性武士刀的泡沫模型。 但这还不是全部!真正的亮点在于手柄——除了经典配色外,它还大胆地采用了死侍臀部的造型! Xbox保证,尽管设计独特,但手柄握感“稳固且出奇地舒适”。 赢取套装的机会 死侍设计以自己臀部为灵感的定制手柄
Jan 09,2025