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FANTASIAN Neo Dimension: DLC and Pre-order Information While fans eagerly anticipate extra content, the likelihood of FANTASIAN Neo Dimension receiving DLC or a story expansion remains low. Mistwalker head Hironobu Sakaguchi has publicly stated his preference against sequels, prioritizing complete
Jan 22,2025
Sky:Children of the Light盛大的“风格日”活动回归!活动时间为2024年9月30日至10月13日。如果你之前在Sky的T台上展现过你的风格,那么今年的活动将为你提供更多创意机会来表达你的时尚品味。 焕然一新的时尚盛宴 为期两周的活动中,Sky的玩家们可以在家园或鸟舍村庄遇到风格向导精灵。精灵会带你前往游戏中迷人世界中隐藏的时尚T台。 今年的Sky风格日新增四个全新T台地点,每个地点都有独特的主题。即使你没有完美的配饰也不用担心,附近有临时衣橱,里面装满了你可以借用的物品,让你在走上T台前完成你的造型。 本次活动还将提供三款全新的化妆品。如果你错过了去年的物品,它们也将回
Jan 22,2025
育碧CEO证实多款《刺客信条》重制版正在开发中!近期育碧官网采访中,CEO Yves Guillemot 透露了备受赞誉的《刺客信条》系列的未来规划。 相关视频 育碧关于《刺客信条》重制版的消息! 育碧CEO确认《刺客信条》重制版 ------------------------------------------------- 多种类型的《刺客信条》游戏将定期推出,似乎每年都会有一款 在育碧官网的最新采访中,育碧CEO Yves Guillemot 确认多款《刺客信条》重制版正在开发中,但他并未透露具体是哪些作品。他表示:“首先,玩家们可以期待一些重制版,这将使我们能够重新审视过去创作的一些
Jan 22,2025
Elden Ring《艾尔登法环》“艾尔德树的阴影”DLC中的一些NPC令人恐惧,但一位数据挖掘者通过展示这些角色盔甲下的模型,使它们看起来不那么吓人。一些DLC的NPC模型相当基础,而另一些则展现出与游戏背景故事相呼应的有趣特征。 如同其他“魂系”游戏一样,《艾尔登法环》的背景故事,除了游戏难度外,一直是玩家热议的焦点。故事错综复杂,玩家只能从游戏线索中了解部分内容,其余部分则由数据挖掘者解读。最近,一位数据挖掘者揭示了《艾尔登法环》“艾尔德树的阴影”DLC中可怕的“神兽舞狮”Boss盔甲下的样子。现在,另一位创作者更进一步,剖析了扩展包中更多角色。 在一段新视频中,YouTube博主兼“魂
Jan 22,2025
Mobile gaming is fantastic, isn't it? That's likely why you're exploring Android gaming options. However, sometimes touchscreen controls just aren't sufficient. You crave the tactile feedback of physical buttons. That's why we've compiled this list of the Best Android Games with Controller Support
Jan 22,2025
The voice acting community mourns the loss of Rachael Lillis, the talented performer behind iconic Pokémon characters Misty and Jessie, who passed away at 55 after a battle with breast cancer. A Legacy of Beloved Voices Remembering Rachael Lillis Rachael Lillis, the unforgettable voice behind many c
Jan 22,2025
《博德之门3》即将在7号补丁中推出令人毛骨悚然的新邪恶结局,一窥其恐怖面貌。 《博德之门3》7号补丁揭露全新邪恶结局 一个能让“父亲”引以为傲的结局 Larian工作室最近在Twitter (X) 上分享了一个52秒的预告片,展示了《博德之门3》7号补丁中即将推出的全新邪恶结局之一。这段视频聚焦于暗黑冲动,预示了完全邪恶游戏结局的险恶后果。 剧透警告! 预告片展示了暗黑冲动的同伴们悲惨的命运,他们目睹他们的领袖屈服于其父亲的意志,夺取了幽脑的控制权。这是一个令人痛心的景象,预示着在巴哈尔统治下的恐怖统治,同伴们将成为第一个悲剧性的牺牲品。 暗黑冲动控制了他们的同伴,迫使他们坠入死亡。一个令人不
Jan 22,2025
Xbox and Halo Gear Up for 25th Anniversary Celebrations With the 25th anniversary of both the first Halo game and the Xbox console fast approaching, Xbox has confirmed that significant celebrations are in the works. This was revealed during a recent interview where the company also discussed its fu
Jan 22,2025
Atari's 50th Anniversary Celebration Expands with 39 More Classic Games Atari, a pioneering force in home video game consoles, is celebrating its legacy with an expanded edition of its 50th-anniversary collection. The original Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration featured over 90 retro games, span
Jan 22,2025
John Carpenter's Halloween Games: A Terrifying New Chapter Boss Team Games, renowned for Evil Dead: The Game, is crafting two new Halloween video games, with the legendary John Carpenter himself lending his expertise. This exciting collaboration, exclusively revealed by IGN, promises to deliver a t
Jan 22,2025