這種高質量的仿真器具有許多令人印象深刻的功能。 Key features include: Android 5.0+ compatibility (tested on Android 11), autosave functionality, save state and load state capabilities, automatic screen orientation (adjustable in Settings > Display > Screen orientation > Auto), comprehensive controls (analog stick, D-pad, L/R/Z buttons; configurable in Profiles > Select Profiles > Touchscreen profile > Everything: All Controls), customizable control button resizing (Settings > Touchscreen > Button scale), and editable control buttons (Profiles > Touchscreen > Copy/Rename/Edit).要解決圖形故障,請嘗試不同的視頻插件(配置文件>選擇配置文件>仿真配置文件)。對於滯後問題,請調整渲染分辨率(設置>顯示>渲染分辨率)。如果ROM無法播放,請嘗試首先解壓縮或使用其他ROM版本。最後,通常可以通過更改按鈕刻度來解決觸摸屏控制問題。