首頁 新聞 王國來:拯救2近200萬份出售


作者 : Audrey Mar 20,2025

Embracer Group最近的財務報告顯示,王國的銷售數字出現了:拯救2 ,超出了所有期望。該遊戲在最初的24小時內售出了超過100萬張,並迅速接近200萬大關。


該公司的新聞稿強調了該遊戲在Steam上的出色表現,具有超過250,000的高峰並發球員人數。 Embracer對遊戲的持續成功表示了信心,理由是受到好評,積極的球員接待和強勁的銷售。 Their statement reads: "We are thrilled to announce that our medieval RPG, launched just over a week ago, has achieved significant success in terms of critical acclaim, player reception, and sales engagement. The game crossed the 1 million sales mark within 24 hours of release and is now on track to reach 2 million. It has also demonstrated exceptional performance on Steam, with a peak concurrent player count surpassing 250,000. We are confident that the game will continue to generate substantial revenue in the接下來的幾年,這證明了其出色的質量,身臨其境的遊戲玩法以及球員之間的廣泛吸引力。”

Embracer Group的樂觀態度超出了最初的銷售,這是開發商計劃的三個由故事驅動的DLC的路線圖所推動的,有望持續參與和王國的收入產生:Deliverance 2