Experience the captivating world of "Onigamachi: Catch the Oni Girls," a game brimming with adventure and intrigue! Set in a town inhabited by ogres, you'll encounter a horned girl who challenges you to capture her sisters, the elusive Oni Girls.
The game's unique "ultra freedom" gameplay lets you explore the town at your own pace, interacting with a colorful cast of characters and experiencing a range of romantic encounters. Complete diverse quests and mini-events, all enhanced by fully animated cutscenes. Customize the girls' appearance with clothing you acquire throughout your journey, seamlessly transitioning between action and intimate scenes.
Key Features:
- Multilingual Support: Enjoy the game in various languages.
- Compelling Story: Unravel a captivating narrative in a town filled with ogres and unexpected encounters.
- Unrestricted Exploration: The "ultra freedom" system allows for open-ended gameplay and unexpected interactions with characters.
- Deep Relationships: Develop relationships with the Oni Girls and enjoy intimate interactions.
- Varied Gameplay: Engage in a wide array of quests, mini-events, and unique situations.
- Stunning Animation: Experience smooth transitions between action sequences and fully animated intimate scenes.
Prepare for an unforgettable adventure in "Onigamachi: Catch the Oni Girls." Download now and discover the secrets of this intriguing town! A spin-off, "Onigamachi of the Dead," is also on the horizon, promising even more excitement.