Experience the ultimate physics sandbox! This groundbreaking mobile game, previously known as Untitled Ragdoll Game, boasts over 5 million downloads. Explore a mysterious underground complex – a place steeped in legend, possibly predating World War I, or perhaps the result of a secret global experiment. Once inside, there's no escape!
Key Features:
- Dynamic Ragdolls: Interact with incredibly realistic and chaotic ragdolls.
- Sophisticated Physics Engine: A cutting-edge physics engine brings every interaction to life.
- Mod Support: Customize your gameplay with mods, adding new objects, scenarios, and features.
- Stress Relief: Unwind by experimenting with tools and creating mayhem in your virtual playground.
- Immersive Narrative: Discover a bizarre world where notorious criminals are transformed into living dolls, enduring untold punishments.
- Boundless Creativity: Build, demolish, and manipulate objects using the power of physics. Design your own scenarios and observe the ragdolls' reactions.
This unique blend of physics sandbox, constructor, and stress reliever invites you to a world where imagination and destruction collide.
Download now and embark on an adventure in the most delightfully twisted playground ever conceived!
### What's New in Version 0.13.5
Last updated August 2, 2024
— A new button has been added to the main panel, providing direct access to the game's official Telegram group. Connect with other players, share your creations, and report any bugs.
— Medkit panel tools have been fixed.
— The saw tool's distant head-cutting issue has been resolved.
— Fear of heights has been implemented.
— Limb breakage on falls has been added.
— Leaning backward on spawn has been fixed.
— The delay between ads has been increased.
— The Unity engine has been updated.