Wizardry Variants Daphne Welcomes New Legendary Adventurer: Soaring Blackstar Savia!
The popular 3D dungeon RPG, Wizardry Variants Daphne, recently celebrated one million downloads and the launch of its official shop. Now, the excitement continues with the introduction of a new Legendary adventurer: Soaring Blackstar Savia. This elusive character specializes in evasion tactics, striking back with devastating counterattacks.
Savia boasts impressive abilities:
- Black Beast Feint: Increases evasion while making one enemy row easier to target.
- Successful Evasion Counter: Triggers a counterattack that ignores enemy defense.
- Soaring Beast Knight: Further enhances evasion when equipped with a two-handed spear and light armor.
This update also brings a wave of new content:
- Jet Black Knight of Freedom Missions (until March 5th): Complete objectives to earn points and acquire rewards like Unique Remains: Soaring Blackstar and the Codex of Learning.
- Limited Time Requests (until February 19th): Located at the Adventurer's Guild, these tasks offer Clock Tomes as rewards for defeating enemies like goblins and the Red Spinner Woman.
- Den Dispatch Requests (until February 26th): Complete these requests to earn various iron ores.
Evasion is Key to Victory!
Wizardry Variants Daphne continues its engaging gameplay loop of dungeon exploration, loot collection, and character progression. Download it now on the App Store and Google Play – it's free-to-play with in-app purchases.