Stardew Valley offers more than just farming; it's about building a thriving farm and achieving prosperity. Beyond crops and livestock, valuable items like gemstones play a crucial role in your success. These sparkling finds aren't just visually appealing and valuable for selling; they're also essential crafting components and thoughtful gifts.
However, tirelessly mining for rare gemstones can be time-consuming. That's where the Crystalarium shines! This incredible device lets you multiply gemstones and minerals, significantly boosting your resources. Let's explore how to harness its power.
Updated January 6, 2025, by Demaris Oxman: The 1.6 update introduced subtle changes to the Crystalarium's functionality, particularly regarding relocation and stone swapping. This guide reflects the latest gameplay mechanics.
Obtaining a Crystalarium
Unlocking the Crystalarium recipe requires reaching Mining Skill Level 9. Crafting it demands:
- 99
Stone (easily found by breaking rocks)
- 5
Gold Bars (smelt Gold Ore at a Furnace)
- 2
Iridium Bars (mined in Skull Cavern or from the Statue of Perfection)
- 1
Battery Pack (obtained from Lightning Rods during thunderstorms)
Alternatively, you can acquire a Crystalarium without crafting:
- Community Center Bundle: Complete the 25,000g bundle in the Vault.
- Museum Donation: Donate at least 50 minerals (gemstones or geodes) to the museum.
Using the Crystalarium
Place your Crystalarium indoors or outdoors. The Quarry is a popular choice for creating a "crystal farm." It replicates any mineral or gemstone (except Prismatic Shards). Quartz has the fastest growth time, but Diamonds, despite their 5-day production time, offer the highest profit margin.
To move a Crystalarium, hit it with an axe or pickaxe. The current gem will drop. To change the gem type, simply place a new gem into the working Crystalarium; the old gem will be ejected.
By strategically using Crystalariums, you'll significantly increase your income and gain favor with Pelican Town's residents who appreciate gemstone gifts.