Uncover the hidden secrets of R.E.P.O., including its elusive secret shop, tucked away between loot runs. Here's how to find it:
Getting Into the Secret Shop in R.E.P.O.
The secret shop is located in the Service Station, accessible only between runs. You'll need to complete at least level 1 and meet your quota to gain access.
Within the Service Station, look up—the entrance is a loose ceiling tile, easily revealed by throwing a grenade or other explosive. It's usually near the healing items.
Getting inside requires a bit of ingenuity. In multiplayer, a teammate can lift you. Alternatively, use the double jump upgrade or Feather Drone. Even a well-aimed shot might dislodge the tile.
What to Buy in the Secret Shop
The secret shop's inventory refreshes between runs, but its main draw is lower prices, making it a more economical option than the Service Station. You might even find rare items like the Human Grenade and Duct Tape Grenade, unavailable elsewhere.
So there you have it—your guide to the R.E.P.O. secret shop. For more R.E.P.O. tips, strategies, monster guides, and item breakdowns, check out The Escapist.