Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy's Precursor Basin: A Zoomer Driving Challenge
Following Fire Canyon's intense Zoomer section, Precursor Basin offers a less perilous, yet arguably more challenging, vehicle-based level in Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Mastering the Zoomer here is crucial for trophy hunters aiming to collect every item.
Herding Moles
Begin by gently nudging the blind moles in the initial area towards their holes using the Zoomer. Utilize the Zoomer's hop for sharp turns to keep them in pursuit. Four moles successfully returned to their holes reward you with a Power Cell from the Geologist in Rock Village.
Catching Flying Lurkers
These elusive creatures in the same area as the moles flee on Zoomer approach. Strategically intercept their turns to ram into them. The final Lurker drops another Power Cell.
Gorge Race
The Gambler challenges you to beat a 45-second record on this short but demanding race track near Precursor Basin's entrance (found by following the right wall). Utilize Lurkers for extra height, and strategically collect Blue Eco speed boosts. Avoid Dark Eco Crates and master the hop-turns, especially the 180° turn at the pit. A sub-40-second time earns a trophy. Completing the race rewards a Power Cell.
Lake Power Cell
Starting from the slope used to chase Lurkers, navigate the narrow bridge and utilize hops to traverse the islands. A final hop from the highest point lands you the Power Cell. (Refer to images 1-5 for visual guidance).
Dark Eco Plant Cure
Charge your Zoomer with Green Eco and swiftly drive over the purple plants to cure them. Repeat as needed; speed is key. A Power Cell awaits completion.
Purple Precursor Rings
This ring challenge requires navigating a series of rings before time runs out. The most challenging parts involve timed jumps off bridges and precise maneuvering through narrow gaps. Success yields a Power Cell.
Blue Precursor Rings
The Blue Precursor Rings present a significantly tougher challenge, beginning near the lake. The route involves precise hops, particularly over the lake and off a hill near the Dark Eco Plants. Careful navigation around pillars and across narrow paths is essential. (Refer to the images for critical points.) The final ring is located at the top of a slope, rewarding you with a Power Cell upon completion.
Scout Flies
Seven Scout Flies are scattered throughout the area. Collect all seven for a final Power Cell. The locations are detailed above, referencing key landmarks and previously described areas.