Home News Fossa de compostagem no Minecraft: criação e aplicação

Fossa de compostagem no Minecraft: criação e aplicação

Author : George Mar 24,2025

Minecraft offers players vast opportunities to create and organize their own world, whether it's through building, surviving, or exploring. Among the many mechanisms available, the compost bin is one of the simplest and most useful tools to enhance gameplay.

In this article, we'll explain how to use this item effectively to get the most out of it, making your blocky world more organized and your base more productive.

Table of Contents

  • O que é a Fossa de Compostagem e para que serve?
  • Como fazer uma composteira no Minecraft
  • O que pode ser colocado na fossa de compostagem?
  • Como usar a fossa de compostagem
  • Como automatizar a fossa de compostagem

O que é a Fossa de Compostagem e para que serve?

The compost bin is a block that allows you to recycle various plant materials. Its main function is to transform organic matter into bone meal, a fertilizer that accelerates plant growth. Instead of obtaining bone meal from skeletons, you can simply use this block to process your organic waste. Additionally, it can be placed next to an unemployed villager to turn them into a "Farmer." This allows you to trade with them, buying useful items like bread, potatoes, and even golden carrots.

Fazendeiro no MinecraftImagem: minecraft-max.net

Como fazer uma composteira no Minecraft

First, you need to create wooden slabs. To do this, place 3 blocks of any type of wood as follows:

Como fazer composteira MinecraftImagem: ensigame.com

To craft the compost bin, you'll need 7 of these slabs. Arrange them on the crafting table grid as shown in the image:

Como fazer composteira MinecraftImagem: ensigame.com

Done! Now let's explain how to use this mechanism efficiently.

O que pode ser colocado na fossa de compostagem?

The operation of this device is simple: the more items you insert, the higher the compost level will be. When it reaches the maximum level, the bin releases bone meal. However, each item has a specific chance of increasing the compost level. Check out the table below for the resources that can be used and their respective filling chances:

30%Folhas (todos os tipos); Erva-doce do mar; Sementes (trigo, beterraba, melancia, abóbora); Mudas de árvores; Algas.
50%Fatia de melancia; Grama alta; Cacto; Brotos do Nether.
65%Maçã; Abóbora; Flores; Batata.
85%Pão; Batata assada; Biscoito; Fardo de feno.
100%Torta de abóbora; Bolo.

You can use any of these items, but remember that items with a lower chance require a larger quantity to complete the cycle.

Recurso composteira MinecraftImagem: ensigame.com

Como usar a fossa de compostagem

To use it, simply click on it while holding a suitable item. Each time an item is added, it has a chance to increase the compost level. When the bin is full, its top changes to white, and adding one more item generates bone meal. There are seven filling stages, represented by layers of green mass inside the block.

To obtain 1 bone meal, you'll need approximately 7 to 14 items.

Composteira MinecraftImagem: ensigame.com

Como automatizar a fossa de compostagem

To speed up the process and avoid the need for manual item insertion, you can automate the compost bin. You'll need 2 chests, 2 hoppers, and 1 compost bin.

Como automatizar a fossa de compostagemImagem: ensigame.com

Place the appropriate items for composting in the top chest. They will be automatically transferred to the bin through the top hopper. Once bone meal is generated, the bottom hopper will send it to the bottom chest. The process will continue as long as there are materials in the top chest!

The compost bin in Minecraft is not just an efficient way to recycle unnecessary resources, but also an essential tool for farming and trading with villagers. It saves time, especially for those who cultivate crops and create farms.

*Imagem principal: badlion.net*