Gamehouse's beloved Delicious series returns with Delicious: The First Course, a new installment focusing on the origins of its iconic mascot, Emily. This time-management game offers classic restaurant sim gameplay with a fresh twist.
Familiar faces and familiar fun await fans of the series. Newcomers will discover the addictive charm of juggling multiple tasks to keep a restaurant running smoothly. Progress through various eateries, from casual diners to upscale restaurants, unlocking minigames and upgrades along the way. Customize your kitchen, hire staff, and enhance equipment to avoid culinary chaos.
A Sweet Return to Basics
Many successful mobile casual games have integrated compelling narratives to enhance player engagement. Gamehouse cleverly revisits the Delicious series' roots, tracing Emily's journey from solo entrepreneur to a thriving family life. This narrative approach complements the core gameplay perfectly.
Delicious: The First Course is set to launch on January 30th, according to its iOS listing. Until then, explore other top cooking games available on iOS and Android to satisfy your culinary cravings.