Live in with a demanding feline overlord in Mister Antonio, a new puzzle game from Belgian developer Bart Bonte. This simple yet challenging puzzler follows in the vein of Bonte's previous titles like Purple, Pink, Blue, and Red, offering a similar gameplay experience to his previous hit, Boo!.
Mister Antonio's Unusual Requests
Prepare for a series of increasingly complex fetch quests for your regal feline companion. You, a rectangular-headed robot-like human, are tasked with retrieving colored balls according to Mister Antonio's precise instructions. The catch? The game world is spherical, sometimes requiring you to traverse bridges to other worlds to collect the balls. And to add another layer of complexity, some balls need a dusting of magical cloud particles before they'll satisfy his majesty.
Obstacles abound, including pine trees and other impediments, demanding you find the most efficient route without disrupting the delivery order. One wrong move, and Mister Antonio might just banish you from your own home!
Worth a Try?
Mister Antonio is a free-to-play game featuring numerous levels of escalating difficulty. If you enjoy quirky puzzle games and the challenge of appeasing a demanding virtual pet, then this game is for you. Download it from the Google Play Store and experience the unique joy (and frustration!) of fetching for a very particular cat.
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