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Torchlight: Infinite's Season 5: Clockwork Ballet – A Sneak Peek! Get ready for Torchlight: Infinite's Season 5, "Clockwork Ballet," launching July 4th! XD Games recently unveiled a thrilling preview during their livestream, promising a major gameplay overhaul and exciting new content. Season 5 int
Dec 30,2024
塞尔达传说中丁格的创造者今村隆志表达了他对即将上映的真人版塞尔达电影中丁格角色的理想演员人选!继续阅读以了解更多关于他心目中丁格角色扮演者的信息。 今村隆志揭晓了他心目中塞尔达电影中丁格的理想人选 别担心,不是杰森·莫玛也不是杰克·布莱克 关于即将上映的《塞尔达传说》电影,许多疑问仍然存在。谁将挥舞大师之剑?塞尔达公主会穿着飘逸的长袍还是战士的服装?但在关于林克和塞尔达的猜测中,另一个重要的问题是:热爱气球的丁格是否会出现在银幕上,如果会,谁应该穿上他的绿色紧身衣?好吧,今村隆志最近透露了他心目中理想的演员人选。 “冈政伟,”他在最近接受VGC采访时说。“你知道电视剧《英雄》吗?那个喊着‘耶
Dec 30,2024
World of Tanks Blitz is teaming up with electronic music superstar Deadmau5! This exciting crossover features a new Deadmau5-themed song, "Familiars," complete with a World of Tanks-inspired music video. But that's not all – players can unlock exclusive in-game content. Get ready to roll in style
Dec 30,2024
Pokemon Officially Launches in China, Starting with New Pokemon Snap Nintendo makes history with the official China release of New Pokémon Snap, marking a significant turning point for the franchise in the region. This article explores the implications of this landmark event and explains why it's t
Dec 30,2024
In Genshin Impact, after meeting Bona at the Vucub Caquix Tower, players help the Flower-Feather Clan adventurer find the Jade of Return. This involves defeating the menacing Och-Kan, an Abyss-corrupted dragon. Cocouik, Bona's companion, possesses a crucial weapon: the "Super Awesomesauce Laser,"
Dec 30,2024
In Final Fantasy XIV patch 7.1, new job weapons await, but acquiring them is challenging. This guide explains how to obtain Figmental Weapon Coffers. Table of Contents Obtaining Figmental Weapon Coffers Potential Rewards from Figmental Weapon Coffers Obtaining Figmental Weapon Coffers in FFXIV Fi
Dec 30,2024
Sky: Children of the Light at the Wholesome Snack Showcase 2024! The enchanting world of Sky is expanding with a brand new collaboration! Today's Wholesome Snack showcase featured Sky: Children of the Light, highlighting past collaborations and a thrilling upcoming one: a crossover with Alice in Wo
Dec 30,2024
Tectoy, a prominent Brazilian company known for its past involvement with Sega consoles, is venturing back into the handheld market with the Zeenix Pro and Zeenix Lite portable PCs. Initially launching in Brazil, a global release is planned. The Zeenix devices were showcased at Gamescom Latam, attr
Dec 30,2024
Summoners War: Sky Arena's Holiday Celebration and 10th Anniversary Continue! Com2uS is celebrating the end of the year and Summoners War's 10th anniversary with a flurry of holiday events and giveaways. Until January 5th, players can collect Holiday Stockings by completing daily missions to earn e
Dec 30,2024
Punch Club 2: Fast Forward is coming to mobile! iOS users rejoice – the boxing management sim will launch on August 22nd. TinyBuild has announced the mobile release of Lazy Bear Games' retro-inspired title, bringing the gritty, cyberpunk action of the eighties to your iPhone and iPad. Guide your p
Dec 30,2024